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May 20, 2012


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oh boy that looks like an incredible meal especially the pot roast!!


I've been there! That's place is delicious.

Miss Piggy

I ran out of stomach room for Soul Food in NYC...maybe next time. I love corn bread too...really yummy stuff.

Tina @ bitemeshowme

When you say red rooster, I must admit I did think of the red rooster fast food chain we have here. Haha. I love the fact that it's your soul food served up. Doesn't have to be the most fancy place or fast food type diner looking.


oh i want to be there...


What an awesome meal!

Chopinand @ ChopinandMysaucepan

Dear Jasmyne,

The pot roast for two looks pretty incredible and true to American form, the servings look absolutely gigantic.


Isn't red rooster incredible? It's one of my favorite places to eat in NYC!

Vivian - vxdollface

haha really liking this up-market red rooster :) i was a bit shocked when reading the title cause i thought it was the food-chain!

Excuse Me Waiter

looks like a far cry from the red rooster we know here in sydney! how cute there's actually a dish of black eyed peas too haha :)

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