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May 15, 2012


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Tina @ bitemeshowme

I love me a good sticky date pudding. I love the texture of it, and overloaded with butterscotch sauce! Mmmmm. Especially love it when it's fresh and come straight from the oven!


I have never tried this pudding, but now I'm excited to try it!

Hotly Spiced

That is actually, quite unbelievable to not have ever had sticky date pudding. Even if not made by his mother, it's on so many restaurant menus. Your cake dripping in butterscotch sauce looks so incredible. I do hope they both loved it xx


Oh man. You really hit the right spot with this recipe. I have an affinity for warm desserts and SDPs is one of my top faves. I like that you made it into an entire cake too lol. Butterscotch makes my heart sing. Happy baking, Jas!


Sticky date it the bomb, though my earliest memory is eating it from a frozen Sarah Lee box... ! Your version looks ten times better. SUPER SEXY.


i love butterscotch... mmhhhhh

combined with sticky date... it must be heaven.. must be served with good quality v icecream tho!

Chopinand @ ChopinandMysaucepan

Dear Jasmyne,

I don't have a sweet tooth but I think I can make an exception for a sticky date cake or pudding.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

LOL at asking Stephen about his deprived childhood in front of his mum no less! :D


Errr...ummm...I've actually never had sticky date pudding either! Oops! need to get on that and make this cake!

Jenny @ Ichigo Shortcake

The cake looks so rich and delicious :D I've only ever had sticky date pudding, not cake..so this is quite interesting indeed. :)


Definitely a winter fave but I always feel so guilty when I make butterscotch sauce and I know exactly what pure naughtiness goes into it... :/


Sorry…I’ve never heard of sticky date cake with butterscotch sauce….but it certainly looks delicious! Very nice!

Angie@Angie's Recipes

mmm..the date cake looks heavenly with drizzled butterscotch sauce.

Jesica @ Pencil Kitchen

Sticky date cake/pudding has long been on my list. This is lovely!


I grew up with cozonac, not sticky date pudding!!

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