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Jun 11, 2012


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mmm extra toum for me please!

Maureen @ Orgasmic Chef

This meal would make me SO happy!! I don't like to go outside and bbq much now. Just too cold. :)


GIRL YOU ARE HITTING MY ETHNIC SWEET SPOT! Chicken. Chermoula. Toum. I'm so glad the rain disappeared for a moment so you were able to barbeque this! It looks so good it should be illegal.

Helen (Grab Your Fork)

The chicken looks awesome, and who can never have enough toum? Yum!


Jasmyne, this BBQ chicken looks fabulous...especially that we are experiencing BBQ season here :)
Thanks for the recipe and hope you are having a great week!


That chicken looks simply fantastic.

Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

Toum is so moreish! I could go through jars of it if I'd let myself! :P


Sounds great! I have BBQ envy now (ours is gas... coal is way better!)

Tania @ A Perfect Pantry

Great marinate for the chicken... perfect for the BBQ when a few people pop over. Thanks for sharing such a delicious recipe.

Sara (Belly Rumbles)

Glad to see you used Fouad's toum recipe, it really is a fantastic one. Chicken looks amazing.

Miss Piggy

We have an ENERMOUS pasture-fed steak at home...waiting for it's turn on the Barbie...I reckon the Chermoula Rub would be perfect for it.

InTolerant Chef

Yummo! Looks great, bbq in winter still tastes good :)


Dear Jasmyne,

The BBQ chicken looks awesome. Regardless of winter or summer, when my craving for grilled chicken comes, I would definitely fire up the BBQ to get my fix.

Joan Hewitt

Winter must be everytime to have this recipe on our table! I wish my mother would bump into this page and that she will make this one for our family. This looks delicious!

Javier Oniel

WOW! That chicken looks absolutely mouthwatering! And I’m glad you paired it with some veggies – it’s nice to know you’d still get to eat something healthy while satisfying your craving for “bad” DELICIOUS food!

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